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What is the Board of Education?

In Illinois, public education is the State's constitutional responsibility. The State delegates to local school boards the authority to govern school districts within the parameters set by state law. Boards are made up of seven school district residents elected to serve terms of four years without pay. Although the Board is politically responsible to district voters, it is legally responsible to the state and federal governments.

What is the Board's role?

Developing and adopting goals and policies that meet federal, state, and local requirements. Providing the resources necessary to pursue its goals according to district policies. Monitoring District performance to see that results are consistent with goals and policies.


What are the Board's duties?

Approving curriculum and textbook selection. Hiring personnel and setting their salaries. Providing and maintaining school building and grounds. Awarding all contracts and paying all bills. Arranging for the revenue necessary to operate the District.

When are regular meetings of the Board of Education scheduled?

At the annual re-organizational meeting in April, the Board establishes its regular meetings for the next year and elects officers. Meetings converge at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Board of Education Administrative Office. Meeting dates are posted both on the main entrance and rear door of the Administrative Office. An agenda is sent to the Board Members at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

How are the Board of Education meetings conducted?

Each meeting follows a standard agenda, which establishes the sequence of events for that meeting. All Board meetings are conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order with the Board President presiding.

What is listed on the agenda?

The order of business as follows:

  • Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
  • Invocation
  • Public Comment
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Approval of the Consent Agenda
  • Personnel
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Reports and Other Communications
  • Executive Session
  • Adjournment

Copies of the agenda and supporting material are available at each meeting and are located on the table inside the door.

Are Board of Education meetings public?

Board meetings are not "public" meetings, but rather are meetings held in public. By law, all Board discussion and deliberations must be conducted in public, except for certain matters, such as personnel, collective bargaining matters, legal matters, and student disciplinary cases, which must be discussed in closed session. However, all official Board action (voting) must occur in public.

Are the district residents allowed to participate in the meeting?

Board policy allows any person the opportunity to be on the agenda to comment or ask questions of the Board. Visitors may give comments at times specifically set aside during the meeting when visitors are recognized. Individuals attending Board meetings are required to limit their remarks to two minutes per speaker. Groups should have no more than two representatives speak on their position or topic. The Board President recognized visitors who wish to comment, maintains order during the meeting, and calls an end to comments and discussion when this seems appropriate. Any citizen wishing to address the Board and have his/her item of discussion placed on the agenda should contact the District Office by the Tuesday prior to the scheduled meeting. Note: Persons in attendance at the Board meetings are asked to sign a "Request to Address the Board" form with the Secretary to the Board prior to the beginning of the meeting.

May I ask other non-Board item questions related to the district?

Generally, questions should be referred to the teacher, principal, or administrator who is closest to the situation. If you have questions about the Board of Education, its role, or the operation of the school district, please feel free to contact the Superintendent at 618-451-5800 or members of the Board of Education.