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Transparency Report

District Budget
Granite City Community Unit School District #9's budget is developed annually and is designed to meet the requirements of local, state, and federal government regulations. The budget, which is adopted by the board of education, outlines the plan for accomplishing the district's fiscal goals each year. The Director of Finance develops the tentative budget which contains anticipated revenues and expenditures as well as a statement of estimated cash expected to be on hand at the beginning and end of the fiscal year. The tentative budget is placed on display 30 days prior to a public budget hearing. During the hearing, details of the tentative budget are explained and the public may ask questions or provide input. The budget is then voted on and adopted (or rejected) by the board of education at a public board meeting held after the budget hearing. Illinois law requires that the budget be adopted by the board of education prior to the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year (September 30).

Like 90% of Illinois school districts, the Granite City school district uses the cash basis of accounting. The district undergoes a thorough financial audit each year. Results of the financial audit are presented to the board of education both verbally and in writing.

Additional information about the mechanics of a school district budget can be found in: Mechanics of a School District Budget.

District Budgets

Region I Budgets

Contracts Over $25,000

District Annual Financial Reports

Region 1 Annual Financial Reports 

For reports older than five years please visit the ISBE website HERE.

American Rescue Plan (ARP) 

Public Disclosures

Intent to issue Working Cash Fund Bonds

* Updated November 12, 2024